Marginal to whom?

Now that biofuels have been caught out by increasing evidence of the damage caused by their cultivation on the environment, society and economy, they’re heading in a new direction. Off the map.

The New Big Idea in the world of biofuels is that, yes, it might not be such a good idea to transform land used for food into land used for fuel, but biofuels can now be cultivated on *marginal* land. By definition, we’d think, this means land that isn’t being used by anyone, and is ripe and waiting to be turned into a source of ethanol.

Which is why this wee report, is so welcome. It points out that, ahem, there are people using that land, and the fact the land is considered marginal has a lot to do with the fact that the people on it have been systematically marginalised.

Find out more about the authors of the report, cofrom the Gaia Foundation, the Africa Biodiversity Network, Biofuelwatch, Watch Indonesia, EcoNexus and Salva la Selva, in the report itself, below.

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