I promise to get back to posting food-related pieces (like this one on agflation) soon.
But I just wanted to thank the many many good folk in Canada who’ve written in, come to talks, bought books, and made my life delightful during the launch of the Canadian edition. For those outside Canada, here’s what I’ve been doing: I was interviewed on The Hour, a show someone described as “The Daily Show, if it was produced by a news organisation with integrity”. Not a bad description. The host, George Stroumboulopoulos, is whip smart, very very funny, and hot. You can watch the clip (and comment on it…) here.
For a more cerebral bit of media, here’s an interview with the queen of Canadian radio, Anna Maria Tremonti (whose Diet for a Hungry Planet series is *brilliant*). It was a wonderful way of blowing my fifteen minutes of fame (even if, er, the interview goes on for about half an hour).
So, to all the new subscribers to the blog roundup, welcome! You can find out more about the book on the Stuffed and Starved Facebook Group, by clicking on the reviews, and by having a look around this site. For everyone else, do watch this space for news about food wars, the trouble with shopping, and a tax on meat and, as ever, please do use the contact form if you’ve something to share – many of the best posts here have been suggested by readers.