I’ve written about the Casey-Lugar Act – a Trojan horse for Big Ag interests – before, here and here. The latest push to bring sanity to the bill is a call from over one hundred scientists and development experts from around the world, whose dissection of the bill’s inadequacies is sharp, concise, and below the fold.
100+ Groups Join Scientists and Development Experts in Urging Senate to “Strip the GM Mandate” from the Global Food Security Act
Controversial language said more likely to feed biotech corporations than the world’s poor
SAN FRANCISCO and JOHANNESBURG — Experts, scientists and advocates from around the world petitioned the U.S. Senate today in a concerted attempt to strip what they term a “stealth corporate giveaway” embedded in a foreign aid bill which is expected to hit the Senate floor soon. The “Global Food Security Act” (S.384), sponsored by Senators Casey (D-PA) and Lugar (R-IN), is intended to reform aid programs to focus on longer-term agricultural development, and restructure aid agencies to better respond to crises. While lauding the bill’s intentions, the petitioners object to a clause effectively earmarking one agricultural technology (genetically modified – GM crops) for potentially billions of dollars in federal funding. $7.7 billion in U.S. funds are associated with the bill and no other farming methods or technologies are mentioned.
Monsanto has lobbied more than any other interest in support of this bill. The company is one of two or three dominant corporations in the increasingly concentrated biotechnology industry likely to benefit from the new research funding stream as well as from future profits from their patented products (both seeds and pesticides).
Today, scientists, development experts spanning a dozen countries, and 100+ groups representing anti-hunger, family farm, farmworker, consumer and sustainable agriculture delivered a letter urging the Senate to reject the “Global Food Security Act” until the bill is made technology-neutral. Their specific concern: language in the bill that would amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to read “Agricultural research carried out under this Act shall . . . include research on biotechnological advances appropriate to local ecological conditions, including gm technology.”
“The bill’s focus on genetically modified technology simply makes no sense,” stated Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Senior Scientist at Pesticide Action Network. “Independent science tells us that genetically modified (GM) crops have neither increased yield nor reduced hunger in the world. The most credible and comprehensive assessments of agriculture to date say that if we want to end global poverty and hunger, we’ll need to focus on increasing the biodiversity and ecological resilience of small-scale farming systems.”
“Here in Africa, pressure to import GM crops is wreaking havoc on our local economies,” explained Mariam Mayet of the African Center for Biosafety. “In South Africa, we are now dumping GM corn into other countries, disrupting local markets and undermining the livelihoods of family farmers there. As a result, Zimbabwe has imposed a ban on GM corn imports, and Kenya—which has a bumper crop of GM-free corn and doesn’t need any imports—is now grappling with a massive, illegal and unwanted shipment of 280,000 metric tons of GM corn from South Africa. A handful of powerful agribusinesses’ obsession with GM is pitting African countries against each other, with Monsanto and international grain traders reaping the benefits and ordinary farmers losing out. The last thing we need from the U.S. is a bill legislating yet more money for GM crops.”
Concerned groups and individuals note that if Congress singles out one technology and attaches it to a pool of foreign aid money, the pressure on developing countries to ignore other priorities and scientifically valid options—and to open their markets to that one technology—will be substantial.
“At the end of the day, the GM mandate has more to do with breaking open markets for American biotech corporations than fighting hunger,” explained Annie Shattuck of the Institute for Food and Development Policy. “To get at the root of the global hunger crisis, we need to tackle poverty, something no technological silver bullet can ever do.”
Ben Burkett, National Family Farm Coalition president and Mississippi family farmer, added, “Corporate control over inputs and the free trade agenda have destroyed the livelihoods of so many farmers at home and abroad. That’s why farmers worldwide are calling for food sovereignty—the right to choose fair and sustainable farming practices that protect our local food and livelihood security. This is what works best for our farms and communities.”
The letter delivered to senators today calls for agricultural research funding to be focused on addressing local challenges faced by small-scale farmers, instead of mandating a specific and narrow technological fix—particularly one with little prospect of success and increasingly rejected by countries around the world.
The bill was passed through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 31, 2009 and the Senate is expected to vote on it soon.
Letter to Senators from 140 organizations, independent scientists and development experts delivered April 13, 2010.
April 13, 2010
Dear Senator:
The Global Food Security Act (S. 384), co-sponsored by Senators Robert Casey (D-PA) and Richard Lugar (R-IN), is intended to reform aid programs to focus on longer-term agricultural development, and restructure aid agencies to better respond to crises. With more people than ever before going hungry each day, this focus is commendable. The bill however inappropriately mandates one agricultural technology (genetically modified crops) for federal funding under the Foreign Assistance Act. This mandate is inappropriate and undermines the good intentions behind the broader focus on hunger. We are writing today to ask that you oppose the Global Food Security Act until the bill is made technology-neutral.
We are specifically concerned with section 202 of the Global Food Security Act on Agricultural Research. That language would amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to read “Agricultural research carried out under this Act shall ….. . . . include research on biotechnological advances appropriate to local ecological conditions, including gm technology.” Proposed changes to this language, which may insert “…including but not limited to gm technology” would not materially change the language or the meaning of the bill that passed out of committee.
The current language mandates one highly controversial type of technology (transgenics), dominated by two or three companies (most notably Monsanto), to get both taxpayer cash and, by virtue of its raised profile, favored treatment under a bill ostensibly designed to help the poor and hungry. As one might expect, Monsanto (the world’s largest purveyor of GM seeds) has done more lobbying on the Casey- Lugar Act than any other interest. The company spent over $8.6 million directly lobbying Congress last year alone.
The trouble with a mandate for GM crops is simple: it will not solve world hunger. USAID has spent millions of dollars on developing genetically modified crops over the past two decades, with not one success story to show for all the taxpayer dollars spent.
The current controversy in India over Bt brinjal (eggplant) is a good example. Bt brinjal was developed in part with funding from USAID. After ten years in development, the product caused such an outcry from citizens, scientists and state government ministers upon its commercialization that the Indian national government put an indefinite moratorium on the crop. Other GM projects have failed to help farmers on the ground, but have succeeded in creating opportunity for the US biotech industry. A partnership between USAID and Monsanto to develop a virus-resistant sweet potato in Kenya, for example, failed to deliver a useful product for farmers. After fourteen years and $6 million, local varieties vastly outperformed their genetically modified cousins in field trials. The project did, however, help establish a regulatory environment favorable to other commercial biotech applications.
If Congress singles out one technology and attaches it to a pool of foreign aid money, the pressure on developing countries to ignore local priorities and other scientifically valid options—and to open their markets to that one technology—will be substantial. Exerting such intense pressure on developing countries undermines the spirit of respect with which the US wishes to engage the rest of the world.
An alternative approach to global food security exists. In 2008, the World Bank and four UN agencies completed a four-year study conducted by more than 400 scientists and development experts from over 80 countries. Endorsed by 58 governments, the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) concluded that expensive, short-term technical fixes — including GM crops — are unlikely to adequately address the complex challenges that farmers face. Instead, the IAASTD highlighted the need to tackle the underlying causes of poverty. IAASTD priorities for future agricultural research include supporting biodiverse, ecological farming practices; increasing investments in agroecological science; and fostering collaboration between farmers and interdisciplinary teams of scientists to achieve locally, culturally and ecologically appropriate solutions.
By focusing on long term agricultural development, the Casey- Lugar Act takes one step toward addressing some of the more complex issues raised in the IAASTD. But mandating a specific and narrow technological fix—particularly one with little prospect of success and increasingly rejected by countries around the world—will undermine the more worthy efforts in this legislation.
As scientists and anti-hunger, religious, family farming, sustainable agriculture, environmental and consumer groups, we believe farmers and communities working with scientists—not Congress—should identify what technologies are most appropriate locally and what research is needed to meet socially and environmentally sustainable development goals. We ask that the mandate for GM crop research be stricken, eliminating Section 202 of the Global Food Security Act. This will keep agricultural research funding under the Foreign Assistance Act appropriately focused on the priorities and local conditions of small-scale farmers.
Please oppose S. 384 until the bill is made technology-neutral.
Agricultural Missions (NY)
Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) (AK)
California Food and Justice Coalition (CA)
Californians for GE-Free Agriculture (CA)
Californians for Pesticide Reform (CA)
Center for Environmental Health (CA)
Center for Food Safety (DC)
Clean and Healthy New York, Inc. (NY)
Community Alliance for Global Justice (WA)
The Cornucopia Institute (WI)
Cumberland Countians for Peace & Justice (TN)
Dakota Resource Council (ND)
EConsulting (KY)
Eden Foods, Inc. (MI)
Environmental Partnerships (MA)
Everybody Eats! (CO)
Family Farm Defenders (WI & National)
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (TX)
Farmworker Association of Florida (FL)
Food & Water Watch (DC & National)
Food Chain Workers Alliance (CA & National)
Food Democracy Now! (IA)
Food Empowerment Project (CA)
Friends of the Earth US (DC & National)
Full Belly Farm (CA)
Galveston Baykeeper (TX)
Grassroots International (MA)
Greenpeace US (National)
Health Care Without Harm (National)
Indiana Toxics Action (IN)
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (DC, MN & National)
Institute for a Sustainable Future (MN)
Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First (CA)
Institute for Responsible Technology (CA & IA)
International Society for Ecology and Culture (CA)
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (IA)
Jacobs Farm / Del Cabo (CA)
Justice from Farm to Plate (VT)
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (ME)
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (DC & National)
Minnesota Food Association (MN)
National Family Farm Coalition (DC & National)
National Organic Coalition (National)
Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility of United Church of Christ (TN)
Non-GMO Project (CA)
Northeast Organic Farming Association Interstate Council (CT)
Northeast Organic Farming Association Massachusetts chapter, Inc. (MA)
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (ME)
Ohio Conference on Fair Trade (OH)
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility (OR)
Oregon Toxics Alliance (OR)
Organic Consumers Association (MN)
Organic Seed Alliance (WA)
Permaculture Activist Magazine (IN)
Partners for the Land & Agricultural Needs of Traditional Peoples (WV)
Pesticide Action Network North America (CA & National)
Pesticide Free Zone, Inc (CA)
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles (CA)
Safe Alternatives for our Forest Environment (CA)
Science and Environmental Health Network (IA)
Sierra Club (CA, DC, & National)
Slow Food USA
Southeastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Spaces (NC)
Sustainable Living Systems (MT)
Taos County Economic Development Corp (NM)
TEDX (The Endocrine Disruption Exchange) (CO)
The Oakland Institute (CA)
The Victory Garden Initiative (WI)
TransAfrica Forum (DC, national)
Washington Biotechnology Action Council (WA)
Western Organization of Resource Councils (ND, SD, WY, MT, CO, ID & OR)
WhyHunger (NY)
Women’s Environmental Institute (MN)
Development organizations (outside the US)
African Centre for Biosafety (South Africa)
Agrar Koordination (Germany)
Biowatch South Africa (South Africa)
Butere Focused Women in Development (Kenya)
Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (Tunisia)
Consumers Union of Japan (Japan)
Eco-TIRAS Intl Env Assn of River Keepers (Moldova)
Ekogaia Foundation (South Africa)
ETC Group/Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (Canada)
Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development (MASIPAG) (Philippines)
GMWatch (UK)
Green Foundation (India)
Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (Zambia)
Nature’s Path Foods Inc. (Canada)
Ng’ombe na Mahindi (NGMOA) (Kenya)
NO! GMO Campaign (Japan)
Organisation Béninoise pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique (OBEPAB) (Benin)
Pesticide Action Network Africa (Senegal)
Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (Malaysia)
Pesticide Action Network UK
Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk (Germany)
Plaguicidas y Sus Alternativas de América Latina RAPAL-PAN Internacional (Latin America)
Practical Action (UK)
Red de Acciòn en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas para América Latina (RAP-AL) – PAN Latin America
Safe Food Coalition (South Africa)
Save Our Seeds (EU)
Servicio de Información Mesoamericana sobre Agricultura Sostenible (SIMAS) (Nicaragua)
South African Freeze Alliance on Genetic Engineering (South Africa)
Southeast Asian Council for Food Security & Fair Trade (SEACON) (Malaysia)
Third World Network (Malaysia & International)
Uganda Network on Toxic Free Malaria Control (UNETMAC) (Uganda)
Women for Sustainable Development (Tunisia)
49th Parallel Biotechnology Consortium (Intl)
Independent scientists and development experts*
Dr. Hans Herren, President Millennium Institute* and Co-Chair, IAASTD
Dr. Molly D. Anderson, College of the Atlantic,* IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, North America & Europe Report (USA)
Dr. Philip Bereano, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington* (USA)
Rachel Berger, Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development* (UK)
Dra. Michelle E. Chauvet Sánchez Pruneda, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana*, IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author Latin America & Caribbean Report (Mexico)
Elenita Dano, Participatory Enhancement and Development of Genetic Resources in Asia* IAASTD Lead Author, East Asia & Pacific Report (Philippines)
Barbara Dinham, IAASTD Review Editor, North America & Europe Report (UK)
Dr. Bruce Ferguson, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur San Cristóbal de Las Casas* (Mexico)
Prof. Catherine Finnoff, University of Massachusetts Amherst* (USA)
Dr. Harriet Friedmann, University of Toronto,* IAASTD Review Editor, North America & Europe Report (Canada)
Dr. Mario Giampietro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,* Institute of Environmental Science and Technology*, IAASTD Lead Author Global Report (Spain/Italy)
Dr. Tirso Gonzales, The University of British Columbia Okanagan,* IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, Latin America & Caribbean Report (Canada/Peru)
Dr. Falguni Guharay, IAASTD Lead Author, Latin America & Caribbean Report (Nicaragua)
Benedikt Haerlin, IAASTD Advisory Bureau (Germany)
Dr. Jack Heinemann, University of Canterbury,* IAASTD Lead Author Synthesis Report (New Zealand)
Dr. S. Ryan Isakson, Saint Mary’s University,* (Canada)
Dr. JoAnn Jaffe, University of Regina,* IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, North America & Europe Report (Canada)
Christopher Jones, Agricultural Christian Fellowship* (UK)
Dr. Jack Kloppenburg, University of Wisconsin*
Dr. Carol Landry, Ohio State University* (USA)
Dr. Kathleen McAfee, San Francisco State University* (USA)
Dr. Philip McMichael, Cornell University* USA
Khaddouja Mellouli, Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, IAASTD Advisory Bureau member (Tunisia)
Dr. Douglas Murray, Colorado State University,* IAASTD Review Editor, Global Report
Dr. Gerardo Otero, Simon Fraser University* (Canada)
Dr. Ivette Perfecto, University of Michigan,* IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, Latin America & Caribbean Report (USA)
Dr. Romeo F. Quijano, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, IAASTD Advisory Bureau (Philippines)
Catherine Rutivi, IAASTD Advisory Bureau member, Sub Saharan Africa (Senegal)
Dr. Gerald Smith, University of Michigan*
Dr. William Stafford, Proteapermaculture (South Africa)
Dr. Koa Tasaka, Pesticide Action Network Japan
Dale Jiajun Wen, International Forum on Globalization, IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, East Asia & Pacific Report (US/China)
Dr. Angus Wright, California State University, Sacramento,* IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, North America & Europe Report (USA)
Dr. Susan Wright, University of Michigan Ann Arbor* (USA)
Dr. Rym Ben Zid, Tunisia, IAASTD Coordinating Lead Author, Central West Asia & North Africa Report (Tunisia)
* Institutional affiliation provided for identification purposes only.
Cc: Members of the Senate
Please direct return correspondence to: Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network, mie@panna.org (415) 981-6205 ext 325 and Annie Shattuck, Policy Analyst, Institute for Food and Development Policy, shattuck@foodfirst.org, (510) 654-4400 ext. 223. We will forward your response to the groups and individuals signing this letter.
You certainly understand the situation and are correct in my view. However, the politicians have already accepted their payments and know their jobs, feeling obligated to carry them out as instructed. They will ignore the protests as they have in the past and continue as business as usual. Our politicians are now completely owned by the Military/Industrial Complex of which Big Agra is a major force for world domination at the expense of the lives of millions which they only consider as “expendable units” and “useless eaters.” — according to their own terminology as espoused by the Club of Rome. It is horrific to say the least.
Thousands of us begged them not to engage in the huge bailouts of institutions “too big to fail.” We didn’t even get the usual “form letter” back. They ignored the people because those very institutions are their bosses and masters. All the multimillion dollar political campaigns are financed by the selfish despots. Party doesn’t matter. That is a ruse to create the illusion that people actually have a choice. Presently, we do not.
That so-called “bailout” which amounted to trillions of dollars was the biggest heist in the history of the world and it was done right in broad daylight because these would-be world controllers have now grown so arrogant as to think they are unstoppable. America no longer has a government of the people, by the people and for the people but has become what some of us refer to as the “Great Whorehouse on the Potomac.”
I certainly appreciate that you are a voice of logical reason amidst a sea of complete insanity that causes so much suffering across the whole planet.
Perhaps it will take the entire collapse of the present “civilization” in order that the New Paradigm based upon values, reason and logic emerges.
I realize that many are working within the system in an attempt to turn things around and there are small succsesses but the entire system itself is totally corrupt and criminality has now become the standard way of doing “business” and, as always, at the expense and suffering of the poor and those who wish to be caregivers to Mother Earth and see theirbrothers and sisters with plenty of food to eat and a life without squalor. Meanwhile, the World Control Paradigm threatens the world with annihilation through nuclear or scalar weaponry in order to produce their favorite method of manipulation and control—FEAR. They use FOOD as a weapon and they use money, war, terror, energy and brain-washing as the everyday tools of tyranny.
One can only pray that this World Control Paradigm will collapse under the weight of its own complete and 100% criminal corruption and that somehow the people of the world will learn to reject this systemic genocide and realize that they have the innate power and ability to do so. I think that many are learning that but the process has been very slow, up til now anyway.
Of course solutions are at hand and many are doing their best to apply them but get little press for it since the main-stream media is fully controlled at present by the PTB and their paid minions. And, there are plenty of paid misinformation agents that keep the internet full of speculations far away from the real issues.
Thanks for zeroing in on a very real and pertinent issue–FOOD. It could be the basis for some justice to finally emerge.
Meanwhile, I will plant an organic garden and try to encourage my neighbors to do likewise.
Cher Rob Smith,
” Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1901 – 1978)
Yes, Jerome, I fully agree. :O)
We Must And Will Change the World!
“Pessimism never won any battle.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.
I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.
I never worry about action, but only inaction.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
Never, never, never give up.
Play the game for more than you can afford to lose… only then will you learn the game.
Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.
The first quality that is needed is audacity
These are not dark days: these are great days – the greatest days our country has ever lived.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
-Winston Churchill
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
You must be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
— Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech, US Democratic Politician
More likely to bail out the banks than the world’s poor
What’s the difference between a bank and the world’s poor
We asking the people to call to send money to the world’s poor.
And the Banks…. They are making ONE phone call at the White House, Ottawa, London…. to get billions and billons of public fund$…
”socialize losses and privatize profits”
That’s the corporate greed motto…..