Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, our local listener-supported Pacifica station has been taken over by lunatics. You can read about the idiocy of firing the staff of your highest fund-raising show, what it’s like to live under management siege – and then get fired, or about the difference between listener democracy and the ballot-box mayhem of KPFA’s elections. But if you can, please support KPFA’s workers – visit their site here – and call Pacifica’s board and Executive Director Arlene Engelhardt demanding that she reinstate the Morning Show, accept the KPFA Sustainable Budget, and then resign. Her number: (510) 849-2590, ext 208.
4 Replies to “Protests the Cuts at KPFA”
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Sound like a covert Corporatist takeover at the highest level. They do not like open discussion, you know, which might not be politically correct and might get too close to the truth of what is happening? There is an agenda underfoot not in the interest of truth nor creativity of any kind and it is not just in San Francisco.
We are undergoing an ever tightening noose which can only be labeled what it is, Corporatism. And, according to Mussolini, Corporatism=Fascism. It is the unholy fornication between government and corporate power for the sake of its own agenda.
Unfortunately, that is now our system of American government. 100%. Add aggressive militarism and you begin to get the picture. This did not happen overnight. It has a long long history and if you care to find out about it, simply follow the $$$. It’s always well documented.
A “fix” will not work in this case because this sytem of error is systemic, endemic and permeates every level. The entire right/left right/left right/left distraction is a dog and poney show to keep you concentrated on the Magicians sleight of hand. It is fully entrenched and is not an accident.
As Pastor Richard Wurmbrand (of Rumania) who wrote “Tortured for Christ” stated, “I have been beaten by the Fasicsts and I have been beaten by the Communists…and I could not tell one bit of difference between them.” Pastor Wurmbrand took off his shirt and showed his horrible scars before Congress who wenced but continued on down the same path to the destruction of America. This was several decades ago.
What we need, and what will come after the Titanic goes to Davey Jone’s Locker, is an entirely New Paradigm based upon basic human rights. Nothing less will do.
I have a few things to say about that, but first one must realize the true nature of the present situation and become alert and that in itself is a major challenge in a world where deception and fraud run rampant with impunity at the highest levels of power and flows unimpeded through its puppet media to a mostly gullible crowd who have been well trained to buy false advertising with no critical thinking nor questions. Yep, it is quite serious. Here is a link to something which, I believe is on the right track:
Please join the discussion about what’s going on KPFA at:
“Labor and Representation at KPFA”
A panel at the LaborTech conference on The Digital Revolution and Labor Media Strategy
December 11, 2010
1:00 – 2:45 PM
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, California
Room: McLaren 252
What is happening at KPFA? Recent layoffs of the Morning Show staff brought to public attention a number of longstanding issues involving paid and unpaid workers, unions, and management at KPFA and Pacifica Radio. This panel will include representatives from different worker perspectives, in an effort to find common ground and define ways to make KPFA more responsive to the needs of labor.
The panel for this event is in the process of being finalized. Check back for more details about this forum and others in the conference schedule at
The entire conference will be held from December 10-12.
I was just alerted that this event is on SUNDAY December 12 (not on Saturday the 11th).
“Labor and Representation at KPFA”
A panel at the LaborTech conference on The Digital Revolution and Labor Media Strategy
SUNDAY, December 12, 2010 (NOTE CORRECTED DATE!)
1:00 – 2:45 PM
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, California
Room: McLaren 252
What is happening at KPFA? Recent layoffs of the Morning Show staff brought to public attention a number of longstanding issues involving paid and unpaid workers, unions, and management at KPFA and Pacifica Radio. This panel will include representatives from different worker perspectives, in an effort to find common ground and define ways to make KPFA more responsive to the needs of labor.
The panel for this event is in the process of being finalized. Check back for more details about this forum and others in the conference schedule at
The entire conference will be held from December 10-12.
[Anyone who has not seen my article ‘KPFA’s Working Majority Gets Screwed by CWA Job Trust’, which explains some of the historical background of this situation, including links to more in-depth information, you can read it at
July 15, 2011
For information contact:
Arlene Engelhardt
510-849-2590, ext. 208
This statement is to inform our listeners, subscribers and any other interested members of the public of the final resolution of all legal claims, brought by the Communication Workers of America, Local 9415, against The Pacifica Foundation. We are pleased to announce that all of the claims have either been withdrawn or decided in the foundation’s favor.
A decision has been reached in the arbitration proceedings regarding the employment of Aimee Allison, who was laid off as a result of a reduction in force at KPFA for budgetary reasons. In a victory for the foundation, and after months of acrimony from some on-air union staff members, a neutral arbitrator denied the union’s grievance and determined that the foundation laid off Ms. Allison, who had less seniority than other program hosts, in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement. The arbitrator found that the foundation actively explored alternatives to the layoff proposed by the union, but that most of the alternatives “would do nothing to attack the root cause of KPFA’s problems, which is expenses greater than costs, and especially the need to cut personnel costs.” The arbitrator agreed with the foundation’s position that the “only apparently effective way to do this was to lay off personnel.” We wish Ms. Allison well in her future endeavors.
Additionally, each of the three complaints filed by the Communication Workers of America Local 9415 with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) have been closed. The union withdrew two of the charges after the NLRB concluded its investigation into each. An advice memo issued by the NLRB’s General Counsel on April 18, 2011 reveals that the NLRB advised the union that its charges related to the layoffs conducted by the foundation were without merit and would be dismissed if not withdrawn by the union. The advice memo can be found here []. The union’s third charge, protesting what the union has incorrectly called the foundation’s “gag rule,” was dismissed by the NLRB. The NLRB found that the foundation’s rules concerning on-air statements “were narrowly confined to protect the foundation’s core purpose.”
Pacifica Executive Director Arlene Engelhardt states “I am pleased that Pacifica was vindicated on all counts and that these matters have now been resolved”.
Any requests for additional information may be directed to arlene@pacifica