It has been 100 days. Where is Sombath?

That’s what I’ll be asking on Monday, when I call the Lao Embassy in Washington on Monday between 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:30 Eastern time on (202) 332-6416/7. “It has been 100 days; Where is Sombath?” And then I’ll send em this fax on (202) 332-4923.

Because one of the leaders of Lao’s fragile civil society, Sombath Somphone, has been abducted (video above) and the government has refused to act.

Find out more about Sombath here. And then, please, drop a line to your nearest Embassy, sign this Avaaz petition, and spread the word. It won’t take long, and it’s an action that his supporters in Lao feel will make good change happen.

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